
Alexey Usov

Java/Javascript/C++ Backend Developer


23 years of experience working as computer programmer. Know various languages and technologies. Can quickly learn new frameworks or languages. Looking for remote part time work, Weekends and/or 2-3 hours a day at evenings (about 20 hours a Week).

CompEd Software Design Srl [Remote]
2000 - now
Software Developer
Genova, Italy
  • Domain - Electronic signatures, Document visualization and preservation, Electronic invoices.

23 years of constant cooperation. Took part in writing many commercially successful software.

TipTopCar [Remote, part-time]
2015.10 - 2016.08
Frontend/Backend Developer
  • Domain - Joint trips.

Written site frontend and backend in javascript for registering and finding joint trips.

Rapida [Remote, part-time]
2009.05 - 2009.09
Backend Developer
  • Domain - Payment systems.

Updated payment gateway written in java according to current business needs.


Most valuable projects.

Portale FattApp

Large multi-service architecture. Server is capable building, importing and sending electronic invoices, Can accept various documents for long term storage (consevration). Can be accessed with WebUI and also automatically with SOAP. Daily serves hundreds of users - about 800 requests per minute. Processes up to 500k invoices weekly.

DigitalSign Cloud

Cloud viewer to view pdf files, office documents, invoice xmls, archives, emails. Can sign and validate PAdES, CAdES, XAdES signatures. Can perform handwritten signatures. Written on java. Can be used as library (as separate product, DigitalSign Core).


Standalone application written on C++. Used for visualization, validation and interactive or automatic signature of electronic documents.

IT Telecom Enrollment

Special server for IT Telecom performing enrollment. Accepts certificate requests, generates certificates, generates CRLs.

Fsm PKCS#11

Virtual PKCS#11 token, which pretends to be hardware PKCS#11 token, but uses cloud signatures from various providers.


Mozilla Thunderbird add-on written on C++, javascript, xul. Used for processing and viewing certified PEC email.



  • Java
    • Maven, Ant
    • SOAP, JAX-WS
    • REST, JAX-RS, Jackson, Swagger
    • Bouncy Castle
    • JDBC, EclipseLink, Hibernate, MyBatis
    • Jsp
    • Xslt, Saxon
    • Mozilla Rhino, E4X
    • Spring Boot
    • JUnit
  • Javascript (Node.js and Web), ES-2019
    • Express js
    • Eslint, Webpack, Require.js
    • JQuery, Vue.js, DataTables
    • Bootstrap, Materialize
    • Twig
    • Node SOAP
    • Mocha, Chai
  • C++
    • OpenSSL integration
    • Xalan-C, Xerces-C
    • COM, ActiveX
    • ATL, MFC
    • CppUnit


  • PostgreSQL
  • MySQL / MariaDB
  • Oracle Database


  • Docker
  • Ubuntu / Debian
  • Zfs, ZnapZend
  • Amazon EC2
  • KVM / QEMU, OpenNebula
  • Elasticsearch / Kibana
  • Nginx, Apache HTTP Server, Apache Tomcat
Kirghiz Technical University (KTU)
1993 - 1998
Electro Mechanics
  • Russian [Native]
  • English [Professional]
  • Music
  • Traveling
  • Computer games